
MoDo Hockey

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Den nya tränarstaben

Den nya tränarstaben
Vi förärar Horava med en egen tråd nu när han tar över Sveriges viktigaste hockeylag.

Jag hoppas att Horava som gammal Motörhead-fan inleder presskonferensen med att deklamera Dr. Rock:

"All right, all right
I hope you son of bitches see the light
You again, you again
I know you've got a mental age of ten
Listen up, listen up
I wouldn't swap you for a thousand bucks
Come on, you're the one
I think I'm going to switch your lazer on

I've got the medicine you need
I've got the power, I've got the speed
I'll find out how to stop your clock
We sure ain't talking Doctor Spock
Hear me talking, Doctor Rock."


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