Inför helgens draft, en artikel från Toronto Star om de som blev valda sista av alla i draften.
"In the 37 drafts held since 1969, when the National Hockey League opened the talent-grab to include all amateur players in the world, only seven final picks have made it to the bigs; a number inflated because Blair Barnes (Edmonton's last pick in 1979) eventually got into one game with the L.A. Kings and Igor Vyazmikin (Edmonton, 1987) played four with the Oilers."
och här var det en liten artikel om ämnet.
"They think that local fans will buy it no matter what it looks like, so they’re kind of cut out of the process,” he said. “They’re looking to get people who wouldn’t usually buy it.”
Slabyk got to see the new design a few weeks before it was leaked as some industry friends snuck him a copy. His first thought was that it was a fake, especially since the Sabres said they weren’t prepared to release the logo until September.
“But the more I hear, the more I think this is the real thing,” he said. “And the best way I can describe it is soulless.”
Återgå till att snacka om NHL. Fortsatta utsvävelser och kommentarer kring moderering kommer även det att försvinna.
Någon smart marknadsförare på Reebok har tydligen kommit på att alla NHL-lag skall ge supportrarna möjligheten att bära matchtröjor i färgerna rosa och ljusblått. Om jag inte minns fel så tog i varje fall Flyers fram en rosa matchtröja förra säsongen
"It allows women to be fashionable and still support their teams," said Jenny Lyons Cohane, product manager for women's licensed apparel at Reebok."
Danne_l: För att återkomma till ämnet om Buffalo Sabres logga så har man tydligen två nyheter.
"The Sabres announced Thursday they will wear their original blue and gold uniforms for 15 home games next season, appeasing the majority of fans who have practically been begging the team to go back to its origins. Managing partner Larry Quinn also confirmed the team will be using the new logo that has created intense fan backlash, though it will have complements the public has not yet seen."
Jag börjar med något som trots allt är NHL-relaterat, men knappast behöver en egen tråd.
Sidney Crosby tog tydligen, på Shero's uppmaning, ett samtal i Penguins kundtjänstkontor :)
One lucky fan :) Tro om han/hon trodde sina öron?