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On Friday, the Islanders offered goalie Rick DiPietro a wowing 15-year, $67.5 million contract, according to New York Newsday.
However, the newspaper claims the offer never got past the negotiation stage because of astronomical insurance premiums, most of which would have to be borne by DiPietro. The NHL insures only up to five years on a contract; the rest is up to the player.

"Oh, man, it was an exciting offer," DiPietro told Newsday. "And it would have put me where I want to be for 15 years.

"We were ready to (accept it)," DiPietro said. "It's kind of disappointing we couldn't, but it felt good to know they - Charles [Wang] and Mike [Milbury] - were ready to make that kind of commitment."
The paper suggests a more conventional deal would have a term of three to five years.

Tja, vad säger man? Islanders verkar gilla konceptet med lååååånga kontrakt! :-)

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