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Rolig historia

115511 · » Till forumet

Sv: Rolig historia
Da Beezer: Hehe, jo. Det är lite löjligt. Men det faktum att Tibbets (en rookie på training camp) börjar putta på lagets ägare, kapten och stora legend är lite roligt tycker jag.

Sv: Rolig historia
Deas: Är inte det där en löjlig historia? Om Lemieux är så pass "tuff" att han jaga Tibbetts och ge sig på honom med klubban så borde han väl också kunna ta en fight med honom.

Rolig historia
"The biggest story out of this game was the clash between Bill Tibbetts and Mario Lemieux. Early in the first period, Tibbetts took a late swipe at JS Aubin who had covered up a puck. Aubin didn't like it and pushed him away. A defenseman (not sure who) came to help out Aubin and Tibbetts cross-checked him. Lemieux then stepped in and cross-checked Tibbetts in the back. Tibbetts turned around and pushed him away.

Late in the same period, Lemieux and Tibbetts were out on the ice at the same time and Lemieux followed Tibbetts around the ice. Once Tibbetts picked up a puck along the boards, Lemieux hit him into the boards and gave him a couple of shots with the lumber. The last one, a cross-check to the neck got Lemieux and penalty. In these games, a breakaway is awarded, with the person committing the infraction chasing the person who was fouled. Aubin made the save.

Ten seconds later, Tibbetts scored a goal by driving to the net and Lemieux hit him again afterwards, drawing another penalty. Tibbetts went after him and that's when Steve Parsons left the bench to challenge Tibbetts. Neither landed anything big. The fight settled nothing and the two continued jawing at each other until they both lost the helmets and elbow pads and went back at it for round two. Parsons had a slight edge this time, and Tibbetts appeared to be slightly cut under one of his eyes.

I'm guessing Tibbetts must have done something else that I missed to get Lemieux that riled up. It's very unlikely that Lemieux would chase after him for taking a swipe at Aubin."

Det där hände ifjol på Pittsburgh's training camp. Att jag läser det kanske säger det mesta om abstinensen jag känner för tillfället.

115511 · »