
Inlägg #1133878

Sv: Silly Season 09/10
arnio: "Hungarian winger Vas is drafted by the Dallas Stars and has all the tools to become a successful player in the future. His game relies a lot on speed. He can put up the most spectacular moves at times and has good hockey sense. Vas is just as good at scoring as he is at delivering the puck. His physical game is also pretty good. On the downside, Vas has been prone to injuries in the past."

Du glömde att få med vem som scoutat honom. Stevie Wonder


Sv: Silly Season 09/10
GävleLasse: "Vas is just as good at scoring as he is at delivering the puck"

Det där stämmer verkligen inte, han har ju bara ett mål men hela fem assists. -2 i plus minus är väl ok i fjärdekedjan kanske men offensiven kunde vart lite vas(s)are.
Lite dålig scouting av Stevie. Till nästa säsong litar vi på Sjödda.