rackham: Vi kan väl konstatera att det råder en "viss" lojalitetskonflikt. Inge jobbar lika hårt(?) med att få folk TILL Brynäs som FRÅN Brynäs.
Konstruktionen med Rekryteringsgrupp känns som ännu en "billig" lösning, sen visar det sig att det kanske inte var helt genomtänkt ändå. Förhoppningsvis så kommer nån form av insikt ut ur den uppkomna situationen. Brynäs lägger upp en genomgående plan från U-16 till förstakedjan i A-laget hur det hela ska hänga ihop, samt med en bakomliggande ekonomisk analys att det hela är försvarbart. Alternativt bantar man ner a la Färjestad och lägger de extra pengarna på A-lagets lönebudget. Mellanting/kompromisser är sällan en optimal lösning. Nu gäller det att handla.
“It’s been like upside-down, I think,” said the Canucks second-round draft-pick in last summer’s entry draft. “It’s hard to get the ice time. It’s frustrating, of course. You want to play as much as you can. But I’m doing my best and that’s all I can do.”
And his best has impressed Canucks scout Inge Hammarstrom, who lives on the same street as Rodin in Gavle, Sweden, the city in which Brynas plays.
“When he plays, he’s been good, and at times sensational,” said Hammarstrom, who is currently in Finland scouting a tournament of 1992-born players.
Hammarstrom talks to Rodin on a regular basis, with the goal of mainly just trying to keep his spirits up.
“I try to just give him advice, cheer him up, and keep pushing him to work hard,” said Hammarstrom. “If he can battle through this, he will come back to North America and produce.”
Hammarstrom says that he has been in contact with Brynas’ management, and if Rodin doesn’t start to see more ice time, he might be sent down to the Allsvenkan league, where he would likely see 20-25 minutes per night. The Allsvenkan league is also a men’s league in Sweden, just a lower level, equivalent to the AHL in relation to the NHL.
Although Hammarstrom says coming over to play in North America is not being considered as an option at the moment, Rodin admits that he’s thought about it.
“I’ll take it one year at a time,” said Rodin, who tries to follow the Canucks as much as he can. “But there are thoughts about that. Right now, I’m just focusing on playing as well as I can in Brynas.”
Källa: Canucks.com
Underbart med Canucks och Colorados Europascouter i Rekryteringsgruppen... jobbar de för Brynäs eller NHL? Är råden för NHL-lagens bästa, spelarens bästa eller Brynäs bästa?
Och 6 mille per år för att föda NHL som tar spelarna gratis.
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