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Så här säger spelarfacket om arbetsgivarens senaste förslag (saxat från TSN)...
"The final two paragraphs of the letter sums up where Fehr believes the process is at and reinforces the players' position on all issues:
- "We do not yet know whether this proposal is a serious attempt to negotiate an agreement, or just another step down the road. The next several days will be, in large part, an effort to discover the answer to that question."
- "Bear in mind the approach that the Players have taken to these negotiations. It is:
- Given the enormous concessions players made in the last round, plus 7 years of record revenue reaching $3.3 billion last season, there is no reason for a reduction in the amount the players receive.
- Players are willing to take reduced share going forward so that the NHL can grow out of whatever problems some franchises face.
- The player contracting rights secured in the last negotiations should be, at minimum, maintained.
- Revenue sharing needs to be enhanced and structured so as to encourage revenue growth by the receiving teams.
- The overall agreement has to be fair and equitable for both parties. Bargaining is both give and take."