
Inlägg #1581589


Rodrigo: Ja, de senaste säsongerna har han inte gjort mycket väsen av sej. I U18 VM 2006 däremot.

Hade också hoppats på en riktig höjdare. Skulle behövas, särskilt om Lindholm drar. Det blir som vanligt - vi får hoppas på spelare som överträffar sej själva. Det funkade ju härom året. Men att snacka om Brynäs som ett ständigt semifinallag, som föreningen gör, känns inte helt realistiskt.

okänd: Varför skulle det vara fel att snacka om en ny spelare som ingen sett tidigare?

"Sweatt has unbelievable speed, but what sets him apart is his ability to make plays at high speeds. He also has great acceleration. Sweatt possesses great hands and is smart in his decisions with the puck. Rarely can he be found turning the puck over. Sweatt's superb defensive play and awareness is one area that has progressed quite nicely this season, and has made him an effective penalty killer. Sweatt also possesses excellent on-ice vision and has a keen sense of being able to find open spaces and knowing where the play is going to end up. While Sweatt has all of the necessary tools for future success, adding size and strength to his 6'0" frame will be essential to his pursuit of achieving that success."
