
Inlägg #2451361

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Silfverkroken: utköp av Silfver är 2/3 av det som återstår dvs 1 årslön fördelat på 2 år.
Detta är från Caphit.

A Jakob Silfverberg buyout spans 2 years, has a cost of $3,500,000 and savings of $1,750,000. Silfverberg is 32 years of age at the time of the buyout; therefore, the buyout ratio is 2/3. With $5,250,000 in salary remaining, the cost is $3,500,000, and the savings are $1,750,000. Buyouts span twice the length of the remaining years and because there is 1 year remaining in the contract, the buyout length is 2 years. The buyout cap hit is displayed in the Cap Hit Calculations table below.




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7981: Tack! Ja alla detaljer och siffror blir man rätt snurrig av men tror jag greppat principen ungefär.

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Som jag förstår det får Ducks 1.750M i Cap hit under två år.

Teams are permitted to buyout a players contract to obtain a reduced salary cap hit over a period of twice the remaining length of the contract. The buyout amount is a function of the players age at the time of the buyout, and are as follows:
1/3 of the remaining contract value, if the player is younger than 26 at the time of the buyout
2/3 of the remaining contract value, if the player is 26 or older at the time of the buyout