
Inlägg #908747

Sv: Eventuell centerförstärkning? vill vi ha honom? ;)
Jag är inte inne på forum så mycket numer skrivs så pass mycket oseriöst på dom som på alla andra forum , så jag håller mig mest till nyhetssidor numer faktiskt .. dock hittade jag detta på caps hemsida :

Center Nicklas Backstrom has been in town for nearly a week now, and he has a few practice sessions with the NHL Capitals under his belt. But he is taking nothing for granted.

As you’d expect, Backstrom was one of the sharper players on the ice on Saturday. But in his own mind, he’s fighting for a spot and the right to compete at Kettler beyond the middle of the week ahead.

“I’m real excited to be here and hopefully to be at the training camp too and take my place on the team,” the 19-year-old pivot says. “We’ll see what happens. I don’t have a position yet. We’ll see.”

“We’ll see” is right. As in we’ll see Backstrom here at Kettler on Friday.

i en artikel vad deras rookies haft för sig , hela artikeln finns under länken