
16703 inlägg · 42 ämnen

Inlägg #1044494

Sv: EM
Domaren gjorde för övrigt helt rätt som tillät 1-0-målet i går. Detta är från The Guardian:

Yet more Fifa rulebook fun Eric Calhoun cites law 11.11 in the rulebook - under advice to referees. "A defender who leaves the field during the course of play and does not immediately return must still be considered in determining where the second to last defender is for the purpose of judging which attackers are in an offside position," he says. "Such a defender is considered to be on the touch line or goal line closest to his or her off-field position. A defender who leaves the field with the referee's permission (and who thus requires the referee's permission to return) is not included in determining offside position."

...alltså precis det som Jonas Eriksson var inne på i sändningen i går - en spelare anses vara i spel tills domaren har gett honom tillåtelse att lämna planen. Case closed och beröm till Stefan Wittberg som höll huvudet kallt och inte vinkade.