Lyssnar nu på Oilers kommentarer efter matchen. McLellan om Nils pass till vinstmålet: "Thats a big, big play!" Gissningsvis har McLellan ännu inte informerats av vinfyllot Ulf-Ture och fått reda på att Nils står och blundar.
Målskytten själv berättar om målet och han kallar Nils för "Nilly"! Det var intressant att höra. Nili som i "nil" insläppta mål tänker jag.
Vi tar väl lite supporterkommentarer från, väsentligen innan match:
Ok Nilly, now's your chance. Be our Kippy. perty please..
At least we're past the point of being terrified whenever the other team enters the zone. The goaltending is better but still have work to do.
If I was McL I would start Nils again tonight. In fact i would let him run with it until he has a bad game. I could see our confidence grow the more big saves Nils made. Its desperately what this team needs.
I recommended to TM that he start him...he's considering it.
I agree - Talbot is clearly struggling. Even in his last game, he let in a weak(er) goal. That was the bain of Scrivens and Fasth last year and even more so with DD before we jettisoned him. Nothing is more demoralizing to a team when you work your butt off in the oppositions end just to get a half decent scoring chance, their goalie makes a big save, other team goes down and scores an easy cheap one. You can literally see the air deflate from the team when that happens.
Nilsson doesn't let in cheap ones. I haven't seen him let an easy one in yet. He's had some tough breaks. That Washington game he didn't face a lot of shots but it was like an allstar game, no defence by us and the shots were all high quality. The only 'bad' goal in that game was Knetsov's hat trick goal that was scored on Talbot.
Now I'm not at the stage of running Talbot out of town. He's going through a bad stretch right now and I'm anxious to see how he will get himself out of it. But in the meantime lets run with the hot hand. Let him go 10 in a row if he keeps playing well. Talbot is used to sitting and playing well as a second guy. Maybe the pressure he puts on himself will come off and he'll start playing better
Well I don't think TM will let Nils go 10 in a row, I agree with everything you mentioned OJF. If TM sticks to his guns when he says he puts the lineup together based on who is gonna give us the best chance to win. Then Nils is the answer.
Play Nilsson again, i hope.We need a proven starter and Talbot hasn't played that well. Schrivens played in the ahl last nite and let in 6 goals.
Anders Nilsson kept the Oilers in the game and gave his teammates the confidence they needed to get back in it.
Anders Nilsson had a very good night. I assume that Cam Talbot will play tomorrow night in Arizona but it will be interesting to see if Todd McLellan goes right back to Nilsson again on Saturday, regardless of tomorrow's outcome. Nilsson gave the Oilers a chance to win and came up with some huge saves. He is definitely putting up notice that he wants the starter's job. Nilsson finished the night with 34 saves, a .919 save%, and an assist on the winning goal!
Troligen har alla ovanstående inte fått veta att Nilly är skotträdd men snart nås de av vinfyllot Ulf-Tures uttalanden...
Vilket av följande alternativ bör en klubb i SHL helst undvika?
Att försöka lura till sig andra klubbars talanger genom att i lönndom kontakta pojkar ända ned i 12-13-årsåldern?
37% (20)
Att offentliggöra information som i efterhand visar sig vara falsk och att klubben mycket väl visste om det när lögnerna spreds?
26% (14)
Att utse en lagkapten som offentligt proklamerat att han fuskar och gång efter annan visas bryta mot regler och stängas av?
22% (12)
Att vägra gratulera en vinnande motståndare och bara skylla förluster på domarna, tur eller att ens eget lag är "nedtränade" eller inte riktigt "ville vinna"?
Målskytten själv berättar om målet och han kallar Nils för "Nilly"! Det var intressant att höra. Nili som i "nil" insläppta mål tänker jag.
Kärt barn har många namn.
Okärt barn kallas bara "sållet",