Inlägg #1764591

Sv: Luleå Hockey 2012-2013: Vägen mot SM-GLUDet!
Nej, där bet sig Apan i svansen.

Fyrtioprocentaren hanses kommer inte att vara reserv idag:

50. Stålberg, Jonathan
30. Lindvall, Gustaf

De tar med sig 19-årige junisen Stålberg i stället. Antingen skämdes de för mycket för att tvinga hanses, eller så anmälde fyrtioprocentaren att han drabbats av akut nageltrång eller liknande. He he he he he he he he.


Sv: Luleå Hockey 2012-2013: Vägen mot SM-GLUDet!
Men Apan har ingen Grizzly i målet. Nu har jag inte sett något av matchen, men 8,25 in på första perioden har "superduperstjärnan" Lindvall släppt in tre mål på 2,5 minuter. Han får helt sjukt stå kvar och fyra minuter senare pangar HV in 4-0.

Såvitt jag förstår har HV skjutit tio skott på mål vilket innebär att Lindvall är imponerande stark, dubbelt så bra som fyrtioprocentaren Hanses, eftersom Lindvall i detta nu är imponerande sextioprocentare. Tillsammans är de 100% iga, juh!

Nu har jag alltså inte sett något av matchen, och kan alltså inte bedöma hur "skyldig" Lindvall är till målen. Kanske har HV helt enkelt spelat ut Apans små spelare?

Men 4-0 efter en halv första period och än har inte Apan beslutat plocka ut Lindvall och sätta in den 19-årige junisen de har med sig som reserv? Konstigt agerande tycker jag.

Ser att Per ARlbrandt passade till första målet och fjärde målet gjorde Chris Abbott. Känns fint att våra välutbildade spelare i Luleå visar hur man krossar Apa:-)

Sv: Luleå Hockey 2012-2013: Vägen mot SM-GLUDet!
Och från Apans ständiga vakthaveri till Luleå Hockeys egna produkt, från egna led, helt egna utvecklade spelare.

Jag talar om Anders Nilsson :-)

Stackars Robin Lehner fick lämna WO till träningsmatchen mot Toronto pga lättare armskada. Anders fick ta spaden.

Hur det gick?

Vi citerar Buffalos hemsida på

Nilsson Earns Shutout In Shootout Win Over Leafs

ST. CATHARINES, Ont. - Anders Nilsson may not have been the busiest man in Ontario on Thursday night, but he was perfect when the Sabres needed him. That ended up including 60 minutes of regulation play, a five-minute overtime period and a four-round shootout as Buffalo earned a 1-0 win over the Toronto Maple Leafs at Meridian Centre.

Nilsson has allowed one goal through preseason two games. He made 26 saves in two periods against Minnesota on Monday, his Sabres debut, and was impressive in two scrimmages during the first weekend of camp. Not bad for a guy acquired over the summer to serve as Buffalo's backup to Robin Lehner.

"He was rock solid," Sabres coach Dan Bylsma said. "I think he wants to prove he can be in the net and be a capable goaltender when he gets the opportunity. He's had two opportunities to this point. He's been really good in both of them and looked real capable. It gives you a comfortable feeling."

He wasn't without help. The Sabres outshot the Maple Leafs 35-23 and generated several scoring chances but were unable to find the net until Matt Moulson scored the game-winner on their fourth shot of the shootout. Defensively, they blocked shots and limited Toronto's opportunities. Afterward, Nilsson called it a "team shutout."

"You always want to make a good impression but what it comes down to is helping your team win games," he said. "My job is to stop the puck and I'm trying to do that every time I come to the rink."

It was Moulson, his former teammate with the Islanders, who was able to seal the win for him on Thursday. He saw a bit of room on the blocker side during his shootout attempt and promptly fired the puck past Toronto goalie Kasimir Kaskisuo, ensuring that Nilsson wouldn't need to stop a fifth shot in the shootout for his perfect night to remain intact.

"He's a guy that works extremely hard on and off the ice and gets himself ready," Moulson said of his goalie. "He's playing excellent hockey during camp with us."

The game mirrored the Sabres' preseason opener against the Wild in that they were able to generate the bulk of the scoring chances but unable to make much of a dent on the score sheet. Buffalo outshot Minnesota 40-31 on Monday but lost 2-1.

Without a complete roster, however, Bylsma seems to be taking more good than bad from these performances. The Sabres are playing the way they want to play as a team: earning odd-man rushes, putting the puck to the net and placing themselves in the right spots to create scoring chances.

"I'd like to see Jack Eichel get one of those opportunities, I'd like to see Ryan O'Reilly get one of those opportunities," Bylsma said, referencing his top two centers, who have yet to play in a preseason game due to their involvement in the World Cup of Hockey (O'Reilly and Team Canada won the tournament Thursday night). "I like the fact that we're getting them."

Grejen är den att efter att Anders Nilsson hållit nollan mot Toronto i torsdags (rapport ovan) mötte Buffalo Toronto B2B i fredags också. Då satsade man på ett annat målvaktspar: först Jason Kasdorf, som släppte in fyra baljor, och då ersattes av John Muse, som gjorde detsamma, och Buffalo torskade med hela 8-1 mot Toronto.

Det känns som att vår härlige Anders Grizzly Nilsson kraftigt förstärkt sina aktier hos Buffalo Sabres:-)

Bara inte Sabres ledning får reda på att hatbrottslingarna på Apsidan, som vet bästigast när det gäller hockey, förklarat att Anders är skotträdd och allmänt värdelös...