Luleå HF

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Inlägg #1786806

Sv: Luleå Hockey 2012-2013: Vägen mot SM-GLUDet!
Båda tabloiderna lyckas göra gott ifrån sig genom att hylla målvakter från Luleå.

Sexpressen tar upp Anders Nilssons regnbågsflagga på hjälmen. Stark förklaring av Anders och hoppas fler kommer efter. Lite annat stuk än att skriva Trump på hjälmen.

I Aftontrasan har Wennerholm - är nog första gången jag stavar hans namn rätt, men nu gör han sig vär det - skådat ljuset och kommer loss under rubriken "Han kan bli en av våra största".

Det handlar om Joel Lassi Lassinantti. "Jag kan se en talang hos Joel Lassinantti som jag inte ser hos så många andra yngre målvakter. En blick för spelet och en målvaktsstil som bygger lika mycket på känsla som på grunder. Lite Pekka. Lite Myllys. Mitt i allt det inövade. Han gör de där räddningarna som får mig att tänka tillbaka drygt trettio år och påminnas om Pelle Lindberghs känsla för snö."

Bra, Wennerholm. Du tar dig.


Sv: Luleå Hockey 2012-2013: Vägen mot SM-GLUDet!
Robin Trump Lehner får förklara sig ordentligt, på Buffalos sida på NHL, angående vad han tänker om buffelspelet:

"Robin Lehner, who will start in net tonight, pointed out that games against teams who are close to Buffalo in the standings have been a regularity as of late. Part of that is due to the parity in the Eastern Conference so far this season; the eight teams currently looking to make up ground in the wild card race are all separated by a mere six points.

Those games have yielded varying results so far. Lehner called Buffalo's back-to-back losses against Carolina and the New York Islanders last week their worst two performances of the season, and both were against teams that the Sabres were in close proximity to in the standings. They came back strong with a 4-3 win over division-rival Detroit on the road on Tuesday.

The difference in those games, Lehner said, might have been Buffalo's ability to worry about playing within its own system rather than worrying about the opponent or the situation at hand.

"I think we've got to try and approach it a little differently," Lehner said. "I think we've just got to worry about ourselves, because the last few other times we've kind of been overthinking it a little bit I think and we've been coming out and having some of our worst games, turning the puck over and maybe grabbing the stick a little too hard. We've got to do it like we did against Detroit. Even when they came back and even in tough situations, I felt like we were a little bit more loose last game. We didn't panic, we didn't tighten up too much."

Hmm, han förklarar att Bufflarna måste koncentrera sig på sitt eget spel alltså. Och menar att laget gjorde sina sämsta matcher, t ex genom att ge bort puck, eller ta utvisningar.

Men inget om sin egen insats i två - egentligen tre, Florida också - matcherna.

Nu kommer väl den där tyckaren på supportersidan - som menade att Anders Nilsson ska hålla käft, betald dräng som han är utan att någonsin visat något och därmed fått rätt att tycka - att kasta sig över det uttalandet?

Här har vi iaf hans tyckande innan kvällens match:

I wonder if Lehner, after last game, is happy with the amount of saves he made, or displeased with how rough of a performance it actually looked to be.

You'd love for him to realize he was all over the place and let in a pair of softies, but you also wouldn't mind positivity and trying to build off of a win mentally.

Svar: As a goalie, figuring that out and keeping your head in the game is the hardest part. I struggled with that a lot when I was younger. I used to take it personally.

Lehner is a blocking, positional goaltender. I think he should look at positioning first, rebounds second, and reactions last. If he gets the first two right, he's solid. I think he's got great reactions, particularly his glove.

If I were him, I'd work a ton on shot tracking and rebound control. He loses site of the puck too much and his rebounds are inconsistent.

Personligen har jag inget emot Trump Lehner och hans uttalanden, men jag blir minst sagt irriterad när en "tyckare" anser att Anders ska hålla käften efter Buffalo sämsta match för säsongen där laget tappade puck till kontringar gång på gång.

