
MoDo Hockey

515434 inlägg · 4114 ämnen

Inlägg #1126907

Sv: MoDo Hockey - Apropå Ingenting
Varje gång jag hör "Bingolotto" tänker jag på Björklöven...


Sv: MoDo Hockey - Apropå Ingenting
Icing-Ove: Det kan ju kanske vara så att det finns en mp3 med detta vrål på men då jag inte vet hur detta foras överhuvuden ser på dylikt kanske ni kan klargöra läget? Och kanske rent av tipsa om hur/vart man lägger upp dessa hypotetiska filer? Finns pm eller liknande här? Hittar bara en mejlknapp till höger.

Sv: MoDo Hockey - Apropå Ingenting
Icing-Ove: När jag hör promille tänker jag på...

Sv: MoDo Hockey - Apropå Ingenting

"Why do goalies wear masks?

Consider …

* Lorne "Gump" Worsley once took a Bobby Hull slap shot that ricocheted off his forehead into the upper deck.

* Jacques Plante suffered a fractured skull, two fractured cheekbones, a broken jaw and four broken noses.

* Don Simmons suffered 15 broken noses, had an eye knocked out of its socket and was a candidate for a tracheotomy after getting hit in the throat during a game. Thankfully, he resumed breathing before being rushed to the hospital.

* Montreal Canadiens Stanley Cup winners Bill Durnan and Gerry McNeil quit the NHL long before their skills eroded.

* Eddie Johnston had his nose broken in three-straight games.

* Terry Sawchuk suffered at least two nervous breakdowns and 600 facial stitches.

* Toronto goalie Frank "Ulcers" McCool earned his nickname.

What did these men have in common? They played goaltender in the NHL before it was fashionable to wear a mask."