
MoDo Hockey

494398 inlägg · 4086 ämnen

Inlägg #1399892

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Wayne Gresky: Jag har 0 i förtroende för vad ryssarna kommer ge som orsak till kraschen. Förresten har jag ungefär lika mycket förtroende för Jonas Fahlman.


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Trots att det har dementerats överallt, känns fortfarande teorin med den avstängda landningsbanan som den mest troliga. Lokal media rapporterade direkt om detta, men det tystades ner illa kvickt och avfärdades som propaganda.

"The plane took off from the half of the runway, therefore, it didn't achieve enough speed and height in time. The second half of the runway was shut off for inspection before landing of president Medvedev's plane. Other runways in Tunoshna were taken by VIP planes (due to the world political forum in Yaroslavl). The plane crew was skilled, but taking off the plane from only the half of runway is a very difficult maneuver. As a result, the plane smashed into the antenna and went out of control. So the aviation most likely isn't at fault"

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