
MoDo Hockey

SHL · 518961 inlägg · 4121 ämnen

Inlägg: 1678916

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OMK: "Hey man! Are you looking to continue here in Modo?"

TRAVIS ROCHE: "No. I learned a lot about myself this year and the big thing i learned is that i need to be on a good team. I tried a lot this year, but not much worked with how young and inexperienced our team was. I loved it in Övik, but i just dont think they will be a top end team next year and thats when im going to help the most. So happy we were able to stay up in the SHL especially after what happened to Leksand."

OMK: "You know Byron Ritchie?"

TRAVIS ROCHE: "He's one of my best friends."

OMK: "Do you know if he's on to Modo?"

TRAVIS ROCHE: "He's thinking about it. Has a few different offers in SHL and Switzerland. He loved MODO also, but he also want to play in a really good team. He's hoping MODO can sign some good players to help."

OMK: "Oh that doesent sounds good.. He might be going to HV, Andreas Johansson is his brother in law..."

TRAVIS ROCHE: "Ya. But he isn't sure if that would be a good thing. Playing with family can be tough i'm sure."

OMK: "Haha Yeah! Has he got from other SHL teams to?"

TRAVIS ROCHE: "Yeah. He must have played well because there are 4-5 teams that have talked to him. He will make best decision for him and his family."


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McFire: hur stor chans är det att Ritchie representerar Modo nästa säsong? Roche pratar om att andra lag är intresserad i Sverige är det kanske Hv,Rögle,Brynäs,vi och Linköping är väl Hv och Linköping som har störst chans här sen Modo.Roche sa att Ritchie vill spela i ett bra lag då kan man väl utesluta Rögle och kanske Brynäs tycker att vi kommer få ett bättre lag än Brynäs om vi landar dom här namnen som det ryktas om (Welch,Ritchie,Porter).Linköping har ju en större budget än oss och är ju ett topplag och Samma sak med hv plus att dom har Johnsson som tränare men Ritchie trivdes i Ö-vik så man kan väl hoppas:)

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Finns det något nytt att berätta om Kristian Kudroc?