
MoDo Hockey

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Inlägg: 2713523

Sv: MoDo Hockey - Apropå Ingenting
J F K: nä nu släpper vi Brunsåsen och diskuterar något kul istället!

Tror ni Sockan kommer hem 25/26?


Sv: MoDo Hockey - Apropå Ingenting
SPOODI: tror inte Sockan spelar hockey efter att han lägger av i NHL. Får han en till skada gissar jag han slutar.

Sv: MoDo Hockey - Apropå Ingenting
SPOODI: tror snarare runt 27/28 innan det kan börja droppa in några från Nordamerika.
Frågan är dock vilken klass Sockan håller på stor rink.

Men det skulle vara skoj att se han i mododressen igen.

Sv: MoDo Hockey - Apropå Ingenting
SPOODI: Har dagen till ära investerat i en månadsprenumeration av EP premium och draftguiden som tillkommer. Oerhört gediget arbete med guiden. 400 spelarprofiler, över 5500 matchrapporter och 1900 sidor. Paradiset för en hockeynörd.

Valde ut några matchrapporter från LP:s profil som jag tyckte var intressanta:
”Pettersson continues to impress the hell out of me. He works hard, makes the right reads, and continues to flash what i think is first-round calibre offensive upside. The most projectable of his skills in this game was his playmaking. Pettersson feathered pucks under and around sticks and made plays at pace. Off the rush, he showed a consistent ability to pick up trailing options, too. I’m less certain of his ability as a finisher, though. He seems to double-clutch and second-guess himself where I want to see a player show that killer-instinct. There are a few plays that stand out in this regard. Similarly, some fumbled passes and pucks that rolled of his stick, but it’s possible he was just fighting the puck for a game - it happens. His forechecking reads were brilliant, allowing him to make a couple steals off the track and even through neutral zone. I’m fairly certain he’s a 6.5 skater or better. If he improves his scanning habits off the puck, I think he can become a really effective scoring winger at the NHL level. I don’t know that I’d have him any lower than 40.”

”There’s a very straightforward path to Pettersson becoming a first-round calibre prospect. All he has to do is scan more frequently. Right now, that’s the albatross that’s wrapped around his neck, preventing him from seizing on what I’m fairly certain is pretty substantial offensive upside. Because the tools all check out. You start with the skating - Pettersson is agile, quick, even explosive when he has room to be. If it’s not a 7-grade tool, it isn’t far off. He’s a really sharp, detailed player with the puck, too. A real dual-threat scorer if ever there was one - and he left with a goal, an assist, and (apparently?) eight shots (!!!). ”

Sv: MoDo Hockey - Apropå Ingenting
SPOODI: Låt Biffarna hänga med oss. Vi är ju störst i hela världen! Ingen jävel säger ju emot. Försök ta pucken från våra NHL-grisar och legender. Sen har vi Höga Kusten vikingar i NHL-buren nu också. MoDo är bäst!