
Inlägg #445690

Sv: Ante Eriksson till HV?
Lite grann om bland annat NHL-domarnas situation i en artikel från USA Today.

"Collectively, we decided we are not going to work hockey in a refereeing capacity unless it's for charity," said referee Stephen Walkom, president of the NHL Officials Association. "In the past we have often received support from the amateur/professional ranks and we don't want to do anything to take away a job from an amateur official or an up-and-coming official."

The base salary range for NHL referees is $110,000 to $255,000 and $72,000 to $162,000 for linesmen. But no NHL official is getting paid during the lockout. Most are essentially unemployed, according to Walkom, although referee Don VanMassenhoven is selling cars and Bill McCreary is installing cabinets.