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Nä men jag har kollat på statistiken och så är det en massa folk nere i slovakien som jag känner har berättat för mig att han är bra..
Så här har några skrivit:
"Peter Fabus is a very good player and a good scorer. Hm, I am little surprised because I heard that HC Hame Zlin was concerning about him....Dukla will miss him... But I hope that he will do well in MORA"
"Och, Peter Fabus was very popular in Dukla. He was one of the best player and I hope that he will be the best so in Mora... He was the best scorer in play off previous season, when Dukla was the champion in slovak league.
Good luck Peter, we will miss you..."
" Now we are very sad because Peter Fabus is very good player, you have to be happy that he will play in Mora. He scores very often and he play with his heart. He is fighter on the ice (but not goon). We will cry for him"
"Peter Fabus? Great, great player! He is man with big heart on ice an his toughnes is famous. He will miss in our team."
"Team Mora can be happy that P.Fabuš will be play for MORA. He is seriously one good player (with big P). And we can cry that we lost him"