14651 inlägg · 804 ämnen

Inlägg #557556

Sv: Nya reglerna för NHL!!

In addition to the minor penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct/diving that may be assessed by the Referee during a game, Hockey Operations will review game videos and assess fines to players who dive or embellish a fall or a reaction, or who feigns injury in an attempt to draw penalties.

The first such incident will result in a warning letter being sent to the player.

The second such incident will result in a $1,000 fine.

The third such incident will result in a $2,000 fine.

The fourth such incident will result in a one-game suspension.

Public complaints or derogatory comments toward the game also will result in fines.

Här är regeländringar som jag gillar , hoppas detta är nått dom kan överväga införa här i sverige oxå