14650 inlägg · 804 ämnen

Inlägg #560968

Sv: Pittsburgh 05/06
Deas: Hmm, här borde väl en länk till en artikel som tar upp Bings medverkan i The Tonight Show passa ganska bra.

"Sidney Crosby shot pucks at a clothes dryer, just like he did as a boy in Cole Harbour, N.S., during his U.S. network TV talk show debut."

"Leno began the interview by asking Crosby about his hockey background, prompting a photo being shown on camera of his mother's dryer dented and marked by the impact of pucks.
"After a while she didn't care," Crosby told Leno. "But it took a bad beating."

His mother finally got a new dryer last month, Crosby said. Leno couldn't resist teasing him about the purchase.

"Oh, Mom, I'm making millions now. I got you a new dryer," Leno said in mimicking Crosby."

"When the NHL season begins, he expects to be living with Lemieux's family although those details have yet to be worked out. "

"Actor Rob Schneider, the previous guest who stayed on the set after his interview and during Crosby's time, interjected: "What's his dryer like?"
