14647 inlägg · 804 ämnen

Inlägg #560983

Sv: Det nya CBA avtalet
Salle: En bra artikel om klubbarnas värvande under denna första tid med den nya CBA:n.

" Two things have become crystal clear in the past week -- teams are still trying to understand how to play under a salary cap and owners made a monumental mistake with one clause in the new collective bargaining agreement."

"And about that foolish clause allegedly included by Commissioner Gary Bettman.
What was the commish thinking when he capped player salaries at 20 percent of the cap number ($7.8 million this year)? He might as well have given every player and agent a target to shoot for. Every major contract negotiated to this point has had that $7.8 million figure in mind."

"The market would have been better off establishing itself without placing a target for everyone to aim at. Now it likely won't reset itself for at least two years as everyone attempts to get a full grasp of this new outlook."
