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Inlägg #583093

Sv: Preseason
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"The suggestion that today's NHL players need help to improve the overall calibre of nicknames drew a fair bit of response this week.

Writing from France, Mark "The Hopper" Elwood thought the media might be to blame for too many nicknames being offered because, 'what TV sportscaster doesn't try out a new one just every night as they talk through the highlight reels?

From my own experience playing the game, I think the best nicknames come from the players themselves. True enough, there are too many unimaginative "Woodsy" type names coming from the players, so perhaps the media could work with the players to capture the true sense of their personas.

Otherwise, how about "The Brampton Blast" for Rick Nash? Not bad.

No player received more nickname suggestions than Calgary Flames' rookie defenceman Dion Phaneuf, perhaps because Phaneuf is the heir apparent to Scott Stevens as far thunderous bodychecks go.

Darryl Axenty wrote: "My suggestion for Dion Phaneuf would be "Bone-Crusher" as opposed to "Hammer" because I, as others, still remember Dave "The Hammer" Schultz from early Philly fame.

From Jeff Lockhart: I created Dion in NHL 2006. His name is not recognized in the EA Sports DB, but you can assign a nickname. In the game Jim Hughson calls him "Freight Train". It actually flows pretty well."

From Rick Wolff: "In your blog you forgot one of the most famous Flames players, Chopper. This is another nickname that came to have two meanings. I believe it was first given to Al MacInnis because of his choppy skating style. It progressed into a name that meant the power in his shot. For Dion Phaneuf, how about The Punisher?"

From Byron Yankou: "Loved your story on nicknames, especially, Claire The Milkman Alexander. My favourite nickname of that era was Gary The Suitcase Smith. But, it's quite obvious, if it hasn't been done already: Sid 'The Kid" Crosby."
