14645 inlägg · 804 ämnen

Inlägg #738335

Sv: Silly Season inför 06/07
Det känns överraskande att Metallurgs Coach, Dave King, visar så starkt stöd för Malkin. Vissa delar kan ju nästan, mellan raderna, tolkas som att han uppmanade Malkin att åka.

"It's no surprise to the coaching staff or the players. We all knew that Evgeni really, really wanted to go," King said of Malkin's trek to the NHL. "The [Metallurg] executives that kind of put the pressure on him to sign, I think they're a little bit miffed and a little bit surprised.

"After he signed a contract with us, the next morning I met with him in my office, and I said to him, 'I'm a little bit surprised by your decision , Evgeni. What are you thinking?' And he said to me very clearly: 'I really don't want to be here. I want to go to the NHL. But I feel like I owe the organization so much for developing me as a player ... we have a new arena [in the works].' All these obligations are weighing heavily on his mind. He's just a young guy; he just turned 20 years old. I think he kind of let that pressure get to him, and he relented and signed.

"My only advice to him was, 'It's your career. You've got to do the things that you think are right for you.' Little did I know when I said that, four days later he'd be gone. But it's still the best thing for him."