14698 inlägg · 804 ämnen

Inlägg #803663

Sv: Jim Balsillie köper Penguins

Deas: En artikel från ESPN som bland annat hävdar att om man lagt samma krav på de ägare som köpt lag under de senaste åren som man ställt vad gäller Balsillies köp av Penguins så hade ingen av dessa ens valt att komma i närheten av något som har med NHL att göra.

"One team executive said if the same conditions imposed on Balsillie are not imposed on Toronto brewery owner Frank D'Angelo and his partners, who have emerged as leading suitors for the Penguins, or Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, who is also reportedly back in the picture, then Balsillie might have grounds to launch a suit against the league for bad-faith negotiations.

And if those restrictions remain in place for future Penguins ownership bids, what happens when Charles Wang decides he's had enough of Rick DiPietro and decides to sell the New York Islanders? Or Alan Cohen wakes up one morning and says "Hockey team? I thought you said hemlock tea," and decides to sell the Florida Panthers? Will those same conditions exist?"
