14645 inlägg · 804 ämnen

Inlägg #881742

Sv: Det nya avtalet med nhl
Fortfarande vägrar Ryssland att skriva under avtalet mellan NHL och IIHF, men idag har man i varje fall kommit överens om ett nytt fyraårigt transferavtal.

"The agreement between the International Ice Hockey Federation and National Hockey League regulating transfers of and payment for players was extended for four years today. Vladislav Tretyak, president of the Russian Hockey Association is unlikely to sign it, which means that Russian players will move to foreign clubs for free."

"Russian hockey federation president Vladislav Tretiak said Tuesday that 80 percent of his nation's clubs were dissatisfied with the terms.
"We are not yet happy,'' he said. "We are in negotiations.''

The International Ice Hockey Federations's national associations have until midnight Tuesday to ratify the latest agreement between the IIHF and the NHL."
