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Inlägg: 915402

Sv: Colorado Avs
En artikel från Denver Post om fjolårets succéspelare i Avs, Paul Stastny.

Ian Laperriere talar om Stastny: "He's so mature for his age," Laperriere said. "I played with his dad and I know his mom, and I know where all that is coming from. When he has a good game or a bad game, he's always the same. It's very rare at that age. When young guys have a bad game, they're usually very down. Paul is the same all the time. He's got that rare gift to put things behind him and let his talent and confidence take over."

Vad gäller mest poäng av en nykomling i Avs/Nordiqueströjan handlar det om Stastnysläkten på de fyra första platserna.