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Blizzard: Hoppas nu att herr Lundmark ställer upp för laget. Han är visst grym när han "vill" spela.

Tränaren kommenterar hans flytt så här: “Our team has always been about commitment, and commitment to each other, and we don’t want anybody in our locker room who isn’t committed, and committed to their teammates.  That’s fine, we’ll move forward.

Han skall visst ha någon twitter också där han saknar fru och barn.

From reading his twitter account, didn’t seem like he was interested in playing in Milwaukee. Whenever the team had a few days off he’d fly to wherever his wife and children are. And him and his wife did say a few times earlier this season how he should be in Nashville instead of Milwaukee. Good riddance to Mr. Lundmark for all I care!

Hoppas nu att han inte är klar för någon annan klubb bara, får Linkan ihop detta så blir jag lite imponerad faktiskt!

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RED DEVILS: såhär skriver SLake på hfboards

For the record, Jamie approached the Predators prior to Christmas for permission to seek an opportunity overseas. This had nothing to do with others being called up ahead of Lundmark, rather this was a decision based on the needs of his young family and the strain of being apart from them this season.

This was not an easy decision for Jamie, as he is essentially giving up on the dream, but he's spent 10 years chasing that dream and now it's time for him to focus on what's best for his family.

I wish it didn't happen this way, but best wishes to Jamie and his family moving forward.

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RED DEVILS: Hoppas nu att dom har kollat upp fysiken på honom.

Lundmark will play for Milwaukee of the AHL. He suffered a groin injury while skating in late September and has been out ever since. He signed a two-way contract so he will make $105,000 in the minors