“Anton Lander is here right now and he's probably been one of our top forwards, I'd say, for the last couple pre-season games,” he said.” He's used to killing penalties and his faceoffs are pretty good at the NHL level right now. I think the coaches feel as though he's more equipped to handle what they need him to do.”
“He's made it so far,” Renney added. “It's a long season and anything can happen. He's a good teammate, he understands the game, has a hockey IQ that I'd suggest is very good.”
Är det inte dags Fille får en egen ramsa/sång? Vår ene rekordhållare har ju sin "Jonte, Jonte vår idol" men Hållander är verkligen också värd en. Spånade fram denna under söndagspromenaden nyss. Melodi "Vittring" med Magnus Uggla
“He's made it so far,” Renney added. “It's a long season and anything can happen. He's a good teammate, he understands the game, has a hockey IQ that I'd suggest is very good.”