-I have been told from a source that I can not reveal that the owners are drawing a line in the sand at 53% for them and 47% for the players and will not budge. The owners are prepared for a very long lockout, unless the players cave we are talking about possibly losing the season and maybe longer
-If that in fact is the case, kiss the 2012-13 season goodbye. There is no way Fehr will accept 47%.
Denna Fehr snubben som reprepsenterar spelarna i fallet är känd för att vara tjurig, han har skapat lockouter i andra sporter om jag inte fått något om bakfoten.
Fantastiskt roligt iallafall att vi har en RIKTIG TIMRÅKILLE i toppen på SHL målligan framför alla coola kanadicker och finnar. Stort Grattis Filip ♥️♥️♥️
Forum skribenter på hfboards om lock-outen:
-I have been told from a source that I can not reveal that the owners are drawing a line in the sand at 53% for them and 47% for the players and will not budge. The owners are prepared for a very long lockout, unless the players cave we are talking about possibly losing the season and maybe longer
-If that in fact is the case, kiss the 2012-13 season goodbye. There is no way Fehr will accept 47%.
Denna Fehr snubben som reprepsenterar spelarna i fallet är känd för att vara tjurig, han har skapat lockouter i andra sporter om jag inte fått något om bakfoten.