Jaji, hur fan raggar man i Monte Carlo (har aldrig varit där)?
"Good evening Miss...? I'm Mr Small land from Small land. Originally I'm from Timraw Municip... Municipal... Well, I'm from Timraw. Now I'm here for business reasons, but as I just saw that my favourite icehockey team has won I want to celebrate this in some way. Would you please like to join me in my room... Well, suite actually... We could share a bottle of champagne and maybe smoke some victory cigars. So what do you say about that? You can trust me harden!"
Zäta75: Kan inte bara luta sig mot Hållander som ska bära Timrå match efter match. Nu MÅSTE alla kliva fram och höja sig annars inget topp 6 och det är ett fiasko med det laget man har
"Good evening Miss...? I'm Mr Small land from Small land. Originally I'm from Timraw Municip... Municipal... Well, I'm from Timraw. Now I'm here for business reasons, but as I just saw that my favourite icehockey team has won I want to celebrate this in some way. Would you please like to join me in my room... Well, suite actually... We could share a bottle of champagne and maybe smoke some victory cigars. So what do you say about that? You can trust me harden!"