
Timrå IK

593155 inlägg · 6216 ämnen

Inlägg #2689622

Sv: Silly Season 2024-25
Sputnik1: "Shlaine boats outstanding puck skills. He not only passes through layers, but consistently passes into space hitting teammates on their tape. His shot gives goaltenders grief, with changes in angle, quick release points, and precise shot placement. Shlaine employs a complex selection of dekes and shows a willingness to crash and attack rebounds."

Rolig EP-beskrivning på Shlaine, låter ju som om hans farsa skrivit den eller något, sen vart han draftat i 5:e rundan. Läser man bara texten ser det ut som en 1st overall pick.


Sv: Silly Season 2024-25
Synct: Haha, ja det låter lite som när Reinhardts gamla tränare i hans College lag jämförde honom med Gretzky. 😅

Sv: Silly Season 2024-25
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