Det går ju inte annat än att gilla vad Olli Jokinen gör för att påminna spelarna om vad som är viktigt. Inför match mot Vaasa:
"-You need to communicate and help eachother. And tape to tape passes. Execute everything you need to do tonight, have that mindset. And the last thing and the most important thing - get exited. You get to play the game. Yes, I understand it's a preseason game, but get exited playing this game. Everytime we put the jersey on, it's all in mindset, it's all about (svärord) business to get the job done. And we want to make this building to be the place that nobody comes to take points. This is our home. Nobody comes here, not in the preseason, not in the regular season. Nobody comes to this building to set the tone."
” Nobody comes to this building to set the tone." Ord man vill höra. Senaste säsongerna med Ante så har man mer eller mindre låtit motståndarna tagit taktpinnen från start. Hatar sånt. På hemmaplan är det vi som ska sätta tonen precis som Jokinen säger. Det får igång publiken på ett helt annat sätt. Motståndarna ska veta att det är bara hålla i hatten första perioden i Timrå. Som det var förr. Punkt slut.
Är det inte dags Fille får en egen ramsa/sång? Vår ene rekordhållare har ju sin "Jonte, Jonte vår idol" men Hållander är verkligen också värd en. Spånade fram denna under söndagspromenaden nyss. Melodi "Vittring" med Magnus Uggla
Inför match mot Vaasa:
"-You need to communicate and help eachother. And tape to tape passes. Execute everything you need to do tonight, have that mindset. And the last thing and the most important thing - get exited. You get to play the game. Yes, I understand it's a preseason game, but get exited playing this game. Everytime we put the jersey on, it's all in mindset, it's all about (svärord) business to get the job done. And we want to make this building to be the place that nobody comes to take points. This is our home. Nobody comes here, not in the preseason, not in the regular season. Nobody comes to this building to set the tone."