El Maco: engelsk översättning av en finsk polare."Petriläinen was supposed to continue his career in Tappara, but there was such a hassle at the club, that youngster thought it was wiser to change scenery. Season in Timrå was a breakthrough for the Tampere native. He got loads of praise as one of the top defencemen in the league.
- In Timrå I got lots of icetime and they trusted me. It was like a beginning of a new life.
Last summer Petriläinen got an offer from New Jersey. But Petriläinen didn't feel like the offer was that good that he would've accepted it. Also Timrå would've taken its top defenceman, but "Basso" wanted to continue his career in TPS"
KulltorpsOlli: jag försöker förstå de här som går in här efter en förlust och nästan tappar hakan över att skribenter är negativa till spelare och spelet…
- In Timrå I got lots of icetime and they trusted me. It was like a beginning of a new life.
Last summer Petriläinen got an offer from New Jersey. But Petriläinen didn't feel like the offer was that good that he would've accepted it. Also Timrå would've taken its top defenceman, but "Basso" wanted to continue his career in TPS"