Thank you Daniel! I will check out the team website shortly. Modo is also the team that Hans Jonsson is playing on now, he is also a former Pittsburgh Penguin (and a very nice guy too!).
I need your help...I will email you on your other address..I need to know how to reply to people on here...AARRGH!! =)
Offerlamm: Ett fantastiskt uppsving gällande detta! Mycket (det mesta) cred ska ju gå till Niklas Edin som verkligen gör sitt yttersta i att få ut material till alla oss fans. Inte nog med att han alltid är där och springer runt och filmar ... | #Läs mer ·
Modo is also the team that Hans Jonsson is playing on now, he is also a former Pittsburgh Penguin (and a very nice guy too!).
I need your help...I will email you on your other address..I need to know how to reply to people on here...AARRGH!!