MandyFanUS: Hello, I don't think that MODO need to be any futher explained, most of the Hockey-Lovers already know where Peter Forsberg, Marcus Näslund, Niklas Sundström, the Twins Sedin, Samuel Påhlsson, Hans Jonsson and many more came from. But Timrå is a anonymous club that now managed to stay up in the highest league for ...let me see...a few years now! We'l hope that TIK will manage to stay up in the highest league for a couple more years, so that MODO will get some 'derbys'. ps TIK has now 1 player in NHL: Henrik Z Zetterlund. ds MandyFan: Besvara means Answer, Skicka Meddelande= Send Message!
Offerlamm: Ett fantastiskt uppsving gällande detta! Mycket (det mesta) cred ska ju gå till Niklas Edin som verkligen gör sitt yttersta i att få ut material till alla oss fans. Inte nog med att han alltid är där och springer runt och filmar ... | #Läs mer ·
But Timrå is a anonymous club that now managed to stay up in the highest league for ...let me see...a few years now! We'l hope that TIK will manage to stay up in the highest league for a couple more years, so that MODO will get some 'derbys'.
ps TIK has now 1 player in NHL: Henrik Z Zetterlund.
MandyFan: Besvara means Answer, Skicka Meddelande= Send Message!