Dream Team: Well I may be just a LITTLE biased, but YES YOU DID GET A HELL OF A PLAYER! =) Kent is an absolutely wonderful player and I am so glad that he is finally getting the recognition that he deserves! I have seen only one or two pictures of him since he has played there but that one that was right after his penalty shot goal tells the whole story! He looks VERY HAPPY~!
He was a great addition to our penalty killing here in Pittsburgh as well. GO MANDERVILLE! =)
Offerlamm: Ett fantastiskt uppsving gällande detta! Mycket (det mesta) cred ska ju gå till Niklas Edin som verkligen gör sitt yttersta i att få ut material till alla oss fans. Inte nog med att han alltid är där och springer runt och filmar ... | #Läs mer ·
Kent is an absolutely wonderful player and I am so glad that he is finally getting the recognition that he deserves! I have seen only one or two pictures of him since he has played there but that one that was right after his penalty shot goal tells the whole story! He looks VERY HAPPY~!
He was a great addition to our penalty killing here in Pittsburgh as well.