
Timrå IK

590395 inlägg · 6216 ämnen

Inlägg #38130

Sv: Pasi
Är precis som dig Jag mkt hoppfull om att Pasi ska återvända... Så jag satt o letade info om honom denna världsback (!?)... Frågade i TPS forum hur det gick för honom och om det var sant att han blivit bänkad o kan vara aktuell för utlåning... fick dessa svar:

"Oh, come on! Petriläinen made the National Team, so I guess he's quite OK. AND: his icetime ranges from 18 to 22 minutes in TPS games!!!"

"As others have already said, Pasi P. is going nowhere from TPS, at least not during this season. He hasn´t been as good as expected, but TPS can´t afford to let him go. And he hasn´t been benched in any game."

"That's plainly a rumour. He's our top D along with Marko Kauppinen, Mika Lehtinen and Chris Joseph. Nevermind other talks or gossips"

"Pasi has plaeyd all the games so far and there is no reason for his transfer. I guess TPS has been quite satisfied to him. But Timrå, you got to beat AIK!"