
49272 inlägg · 1044 ämnen

Inlägg #1394822

Sv: Wooden logos :)

Well, I don't have something like fixed price, every logo is different and every logo requires different time of making. For example it's much easier to make Montreal Canadiens logo than for example Frolunda logo. But generally I'm not rapacious for money, I'm open for negotiations :) If somebody is interested in price please just send me a message with info what logo I have to do :)


Sv: Wooden logos :)

Just saying, give those examples, Frolunda costs about X SKR/USD, Montreal costs about Y SKR/USD.

In that way i think many people quite fast will know if they are interested or not.

Or just say what kind of prices you have sold for until now for your products.

By the way, how much would
a MoDo Hockey Logo,
with large 19 and 21 in the background
and two Le Mat trophys marked 1979 and 2007 cost