
49430 inlägg · 1044 ämnen

Inlägg #556265

Sv: Hmm, inte dåligt med pengar för en veckas jobb
willysson: Hand 65 - Andrew Black has the button in seat 2, Hachem raises to $360,000, Barch reraises to $2,360,000, Bergsdorf reraises all in for $2,740,000, Hachem folds, and Barch instantly calls. Barch shows pocket tens (10d-10c), but he's dominated by Bergsdorf's pocket jacks (Jh-Js).

The flop comes Qd-10s-4h, and Barch has flopped a set of tens to take a commanding lead. Bergsdorf needs to catch a jack or a runner-runner straight to win the flop.

The turn card is the 8d, and Bergsdorf needs to catch a nine or a jack to stay alive. The river card is the Qh, and Daniel Bergsdorf is eliminated in seventh place, earning $1,300,000.