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Inlägg: 396498

Sv: Jörgen Jönsson #21
Dream Team: För övrigt så måste jag på nytt dementera vad jag sagt OCH förtydliga mig ytterligare.

Följande finns att läsa (i sin helhet) om tröja #99:

"On the 18th April 1999 it became the only shirt number to be retired by the NHL. Back in the old days of the NHL, the high numbers indicated that the players were not regulars.

i. Joe Lamb - wore the shirt when playing for the Montreal Canadiens during the 1934-35 season.
ii. Leo Bourgeault - wore the shirt when playing for the Montreal Canadiens during the 1934-35 season.
iii. Des Roche - wore the shirt when playing for the Montreal Canadiens during the 1934-35 season.
iv. Wayne Gretzky - wore the number 9 as a junior because his idol Gordie Howe wore it (he had also played in the number 11 shirt as a youngster). When he became a Sault Ste Marie Greyhounds player in the 1977-78 season, Brian Gualazzi was already was wearing the number 9. Gretzky experimented with the numbers 14 and 19 before donning the number 99, after a suggestion by Muzz MacPherson. When Gretzky retired the NHL also retired the number 99 jersey.
v. Wilf Paiement - wore the shirt between 1979 and 1982 playing for the Toronto Maple Leafs.
vi. Rick Dudley - wore the shirt when playing for Winnipeg Jets in 1981.
vii. Retired jersey number at Edmonton Oilers (for Wayne Gretzky)
viii. Retired jersey number at Los Angeles Kings (for Wayne Gretzky)."

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