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MandyFanUS & other: Nån som INTE förstår vad han skriver om MODO vs övriga svenska lag?? Ska jag översätta??

BIG ICE HOCKEY we call it, the last Olympic was played on Big Ice.
What d'Ya think about next years Strike/LockOut in NHL? The only way? Long strike, or short? It's a bit difficult to feel sad about the players strike for higher salary. I wouldn't mind earn the salary for a 'medium' player...;-))

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MandyFanUS: Yeh he is a verry good player not only on penalty killing.
He has shown verry good skills in the offensiv play as well.
He has fit in verry well with the other players , its like they have been together for a long time.

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Dream Team: Well I may be just a LITTLE biased, but YES YOU DID GET A HELL OF A PLAYER! =)
Kent is an absolutely wonderful player and I am so glad that he is finally getting the recognition that he deserves! I have seen only one or two pictures of him since he has played there but that one that was right after his penalty shot goal tells the whole story! He looks VERY HAPPY~!

He was a great addition to our penalty killing here in Pittsburgh as well.

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MandyFanUS: It seems as if Manderville has been able to adapt pretty well to the bigger surface.. knowing that he´s only been her for a short while. I´m already starting to like this player a lot! In yesterdays game he made a beautiful assist, but the best work I think he made in penalty killing...
We´ve got one hell of a good player into our team!

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matsby: Hey! Yes I found some info on the swedish hockey site, but as you say it is in Swedish! ARRGH!
Interesting, the rink size then...I wonder if it is hard to make the transition from NHL to SEL? Although I would think it would be harder to go to a larger surface than smaller.

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Dream Team: okej..du vet man är inte helt utbildad i det amerikanska spårket.. men man lär sig alltid nåt nytt..

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shanti: Touch-icing, kallas det..

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MandyFanUS: And we dont have , Red-line Offside eihter. And we have diffrent rules on Icing, the referee blow his wisstle directly when the puck has cross the redline , and no player has to take it. mmm if you understand what i mean

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Hi There.

The problem is that all the info is on swedish on the website

The rinksize is 60x30 meter here in sweden for example

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zigge: Hi there, You are right...almost every true hockey fan that I know has heard of the MoDo team but we don't hear much about any of the other SEL teams here in the US! We have to do just as I am doing now, we have to "dig" for information!
Well all I have to say is that adding Kent Manderville to the team is most definitely a good move for Timra! =)
Can anyone tell me where to find information on the SEL rules? I am finding out that some things (such as rink size) are different from NHL hockey, and I didn't know that!

Thank you all for the help with Swedish!

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Dream Team: Hur måga har Moodoo producerat före de berömda 73:orna?

Dem kan man nog tacka en viss Melinder för...

Sen han slutade har det inte sett lika ljust ut!

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zigge: Jo, den där Zetterlund är säkert vida känd "over there"....

Timrå anonymt?? Få se nu.. klubben har producerat landslagsspelare sedan 1950-talet... tja, det är väl upp till var och en att bedöma värdet i det....

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zigge: Zetterlund? :D

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MandyFanUS: Hello, I don't think that MODO need to be any futher explained, most of the Hockey-Lovers already know where Peter Forsberg, Marcus Näslund, Niklas Sundström, the Twins Sedin, Samuel Påhlsson, Hans Jonsson and many more came from.
But Timrå is a anonymous club that now managed to stay up in the highest league for ...let me see...a few years now! We'l hope that TIK will manage to stay up in the highest league for a couple more years, so that MODO will get some 'derbys'.
ps TIK has now 1 player in NHL: Henrik Z Zetterlund.
MandyFan: Besvara means Answer, Skicka Meddelande= Send Message!

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You have an e-mail at your hotmailadress.

Thank you Daniel! I will check out the team website shortly.
Modo is also the team that Hans Jonsson is playing on now, he is also a former Pittsburgh Penguin (and a very nice guy too!).

I need your help...I will email you on your other address..I need to know how to reply to people on here...AARRGH!!

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