Nu när jag läst Helg Ernest PowerPoint-dokument om 'bensinpris-krig' träder jag in som moderator, och plockart bort den från café-boken.
Det är nämligen ingenting annat än ett klassiskt kedjebrev, under förklädnad. Fy för den lede!
Metal Guru:
Som av en händelse triggades jag av en kedjebrevs-flashback, och fick lov att plocka fram Good Times, för att tröstas:
(Internet-historia, från sent 1994 - detta är den andra upplagan)
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Subject: Good Times
Here is some important information. Beware of a file called Goodtimes.
Happy Chanukah everyone, and be careful out there. There is a virus on
America Online being sent by E-Mail. If you get anything called "Good Times", DON'T read it or download it. It is a virus that will erase your hard drive.
Forward this to all your friends. It may help them a lot.
The FCC released a warning last Wednesday concerning a matter of
major importance to any regular user of the InterNet. Apparently,
a new computer virus has been engineered by a user of America
Online that is unparalleled in its destructive capability. Other,
more well-known viruses such as Stoned, Airwolf, and Michaelangelo
pale in comparison to the prospects of this newest creation by a
warped mentality.
What makes this virus so terrifying, said the FCC, is the fact that
no program needs to be exchanged for a new computer to be infected.
It can be spread through the existing e-mail systems of the
InterNet. Once a computer is infected, one of several things can
happen. If the computer contains a hard drive, that will most
likely be destroyed. If the program is not stopped, the computer's
processor will be placed in an nth-complexity infinite binary loop
- which can severely damage the processor if left running that way
too long. Unfortunately, most novice computer users will not
realize what is happening until it is far too late.